I like runnin round the hall and smelling the copy machine. Mom even let me run outside without leash. I was good girl.
Mom forgot camera. Silly Mom. She did give me turkey from her fridge so I forgive.
Other dog news: More rain fall from sky make backyard muddy! Muddy= baths. Yuck!
Mom and Dad need to get landscaping and FAST!
Here is me, Chloe dog, in the yard yesterday after people come and fix it. I barked at them a lot. Emma cat just sat on the wall. Didn't try to protect family with sharp claws. Lazy stinkin cat.

In fact, I barked at the people who came today too. A LOT! Can dogs lose bark like human lose voice? Hope not.
New furniture came today. I not allowed to sit, sleep, paw, lick or even look at. Mom make me go to other old couch. I pout. Not like this "no dog on the couch rule". Stupid rule. I will be sneaky when they leave me!